There are MANY perks to working at home as a Travel Agent and we’ve selected a few you may not have even considered when reviewing the possibility of becoming a Travel Agent.
Flexible Work Schedule Working from home often allows you a semi-flexible work schedule, allowing you to set your own hours based on the needs of your clients. For travel agents we’ve found most communication is done by Email and can be answered by your smart phone or other such device. If you client enjoys talking over the phone typically these are scheduled on weeknights after your client is home from work or maybe on weekends when they have time to discuss and review designations and prices.
Bookable Appointments Since we are talking about a flexible work schedule, one of the perks that goes hand in hand is the ability to Book Appointments when offices are less crowded. It is nice to not be in competition for those high-demand early morning, lunchtime, or evening appointments. The flexibility to book appointments when a “first available” is up for grabs is a perk!
Portable Work Stations As a travel agent working at home you may be sent on FAM trips allowing you to truly immerse yourself in a destination or supplier brand. Since almost all of a Travel Agents work is done online the ability to bring your work with you and keep your clients posted on new travel trends is priceless!
Family Involvement We find bringing the entire family into projects always provides a stronger family unit and can result in an overall more enjoyable experience. Having your Husband/Wife, Mother/Father, Sister/Brother contribute their ideas and suggestions as well as the kiddos only gives you greater perspective to the family unit and how your clients may perceive supplier destinations or questions that may arise.
We hope you won't let anything stop you from your dream to work at home! Take time to check out our packages or setup a call with our owner and find the right fit to launch your career as a Stay-At-Home-Travel-Agent!